Cambridge has its own names for things, which this page attempts to clarify. A much more extensive dictionary can be found here.

Term Explanation
SCR Senior Combination Room; a (fancy) room in a college where fellows can rest or ‘combine’ with other fellows
Master Head of a college, for most colleges. Some colleges use the term ‘Warden’, ‘President’ or ‘Director’ instead. Confusingly, yet other colleges have both a Master and a President, where the President is the Master’s deputy.
Bursar Finance manager for a college
Senior Tutor The college official responsible for providing academic and pastoral guidance to college students
DoS Director of Studies. A college fellow who is responsible for guiding undergraduates and arranging for supervisions. Small-group instruction provided to undergraduates A semi-official ranking of college academic standing
Matriculation The formal admission of a student into a college
General admission Completion of the undergraduate degree program. Confusingly, undergrads are admitted when they graduate!
Graduation Completion of an undergraduate or postgraduate program